Categories of cooling units │Series 6000 DTI/DTS from 370 to 4500 W │Series 9000 DTI/DTS from 300 to 2500 W │Series 3000 NEMA from 300 to 7200 W │Series DTT TOP MOUNTED from 500 to 4000 W │Accessories Introducing the εCOOL cooling units (DTI/DTS/DTT 6xxx) Thermal management FilterfansAir/air heat exchangersCooling unitsAir/water heat exchangersHeatersThermostatsTwin thermostatsHygrostats/Thermostats-hygrostatsEnclosure accessories Signaling technology Visual signalingAudible signalingCombined signalingSignal towersEx-ATEX signalingObstacle lightsDevices with M12 connectorArt IlluminationAccessories Liquid Cooling CPC 1600 1.6 KWCCE 1,1–6,5 kWPC 2500 2,5 kWEB 2.0 6,5–22 kWEB 2.0 L 21-44 kWEB XT 36–150 kWOptions Service & Support Technical servicesDownload centreSoftware and dataSupplier release lists Solutions IndustriesEnvironmental conditionsCertifications Pfannenberg GmbH Werner-Witt-Straße 121035 Hamburg